Your Employees Deserve to Be Financially Sound

Support your business from the inside out with Banzai's life literacy program. Use Banzai resources to teach employees all about finances and work benefits.
Budget Calculator

Financial Literacy as a Benefit

Offering a life literacy program equips employees with essential skills and the knowledge to improve their personal and professional capabilities.

  • Increased productivity
  • Enhanced problem-solving abilities
  • Boosted employee confidence

Employee Resources

Utilize any of the available Banzai resources to build a custom support system that boosts the financial wellness of your employees.

Wellness Center home page topics section.

Wellness Center

The Wellness Center is a customizable education platform that covers all the gaps in your employees’ financial knowledge, from the moment they’re hired to the date they retire.

  • Articles on the importance of 401ks, health insurance, and more
  • Calculators to help with important life decisions like buying a home
  • Employee assessments
Wellness Center list of coaches.

The Banzai Coach

This feature walks employees through financial- & life-centered dilemmas with advice tailored to their unique situations. Cover topics like

  • Debt management
  • HSA & FSA benefits
  • Retirement
Wellness Center collections page.

Employee Pages

Choose from a library of over 150 life literacy resources within the Wellness Center to build your very own employee-focused training program.

  • 40 pre-built collections
  • Customizable
  • Co-branded partner pages
Wellness Center rewards program.

Employee Offers

Offer incentives to your employees for completing Banzai resources.

  • Place incentives throughout courses for employees to find as they play.
  • Include links to resources and services.
  • Add offers to Coaches.

Want your employees to benefit from financial literacy?

Schedule a Demo